
The Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), with GIZ support, sought to contract a PR/Digital Communications Agency to support KAIPTC’s visibility initiatives.
The objective was to increase awareness of KAIPTC among stakeholders and media outlets in the country and Africa as a whole, and also to train KAIPTC staff on media social media intelligence and engagements.
Some of our initial activities on this project were to engage stakeholders to serve as our points of contact to reach the people in their circles. Put a host of stories together and syndicated on print and online platforms. These stories were aimed at projecting KAIPTC as a go-to centre for the training of military, police and civilian personnel for multidimensional peacekeeping and peace support operations in West Africa and the rest of Africa.
A number of influential persons in various fields of endeavour were engaged to make the Centre more visible on social and other platforms. The focus of the influential engagement was:
- Training programmes
- Facilities (especially the eLearning platform)
- Achievements and impact of the Centre on peace and stability on the continent.
Testimonies of institutions, countries and individuals who have benefitted from KAIPTC since its establishment were recorded and played across social media and a variety of other platforms to enlighten the public more on the activities of the Centre. Written testimonies were also gathered and be captured in a variety of online platforms and print. These efforts helped create awareness about the Centre in all regards.
KAIPTC engaged student affairs to attract and engage with potential students and present in the institution as a viable option for higher education and career development. Other events like tertiary quizzes, symposiums and even entertainment events were explored by the institution to create more visibility for the institution and gave it the necessary exposure.
Measurable Outcomes
KAIPTC has gained a lot of traction over the course of the project, made headlines and gained the needed publicity to make it stand out in any peace and security related associations.